jeudi 3 novembre 2005

Symphonic rock 6O's

Which is defined as Symphonic rock is all and nothing. Progressive rock is a part of Symphonic rock.

1967The Moody BluesDays of Future Passed1968The Electric PrunesRelease of an Oath1968The NiceArs Longa Vita Brevis1969Wallace CollectionLaughing Cavalier1969RenaissanceRenaissance1969JaculaIn Cauda Semper Stat Venenum1969The NiceNice1969King CrimsonIn the Court of the Crimson King (Parts 1 & 2)

Close to the EdgeMirageStoria di un minutoScheherazade and Other StoriesPer un amicoFelona e SoronaMoonmadnessThe Snow GooseBanco del Mutuo SoccorsoHybrisThe Human MenagerieAshes Are BurningA New World RecordIo sono nato liberoTurn of the CardsDays of Future PassedRelayerVoyage of the AcolyteIl Tempo Della GioiaHamburger ConcertoDedicato a FrazzForse le lucciole non si amano piùOut of the BlueSommerabendEldorado

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